Healthy Eating Meal Plan

Meal planning can help people overcome barriers to eating healthily by making it part of their regular practice. Meal preparation is an excellent way to do just this.

Noom meal plans meet recommended average intakes for fat, protein, sugar and salt while being tailored to meet your calorie goals. They also include recommendations for snacks and beverages.


Breakfast can often be neglected, leading to the temptation of reaching for sugary snacks later. Instead, start each morning right by enjoying a filling breakfast that gives you enough energy to power through the day – one with less than 300 calories, packed full of health-promoting fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains! Here is our meal plan suggestion that will get you moving!

Dietitians have reviewed and approved of this healthy meal plan to meet clean eating principles, which encourage whole foods close to their natural state, while restricting processed food, added sugars and unhealthy fats. Hydration is also vital; therefore the calorie count accounts for water as well as unsweetened coffee or tea beverages.


Breakfast should provide you with enough energy to keep you going until dinner time. Aim for a balance of carbs, proteins and healthy fats such as those found in beans/lentils/whole grains/nut butters/seeds/fish for optimal performance.

Salad can make for a nutritious lunch option, but if you find yourself becoming uninterested quickly try experimenting with something like chicken and vegetable traybake or beetroot barley risotto instead. A jacket potato coupled with half of a can of reduced-sugar/salt baked beans also make a hearty lunch option.

Midmorning or afternoon snacks are entirely up to you, but selecting a combination of nuts, seeds and fruit as a healthy eating meal plan option could help control both your weight and calorie consumption. When selecting snacks with added sugars or saturated fats as opposed to options high in fibre and calcium. This healthy eating meal plan assumes an average-sized female working light hours while engaging in moderate exercise.


Meals come from many places: home, restaurants and work. Planning evening meals can help improve health choices by limiting temptation from high-calorie food. Meal plan recipes provide inspiration and motivation to select healthy dishes while using the Healthy Eating Plate as a guide – but be sure to listen to your hunger and fullness cues and enjoy occasional treats!

Before shopping for ingredients, take an inventory of what’s already on hand – this may lower your grocery bill or prevent food waste. Meal plans also provide many recipes that can be prepared ahead and frozen so as to save time later – this can be particularly helpful for busy professionals or parents without enough time for mealtime preparations.


Snacking is an integral component of healthy eating meal plans. Snacks help curb hunger, maintain stable blood sugar levels and provide energy throughout the day – but finding nutritious snacks that also taste good can be tricky when trying to adopt this lifestyle change.

As tempting as it might be to grab something quick from the store like chips or cookies, they often contain too much sugar without enough fiber or healthy fats for optimal nutrition. Instead, pack a variety of nutritious snacks in your purse or backpack so you’re prepared when hunger strikes midmorning or after lunchtime.

These nutritious snacks are easy to make ahead and store in the fridge, from Salmon Cucumber Bites and Apple Slices with Hummus to creamy yogurt parfaits with Berries.